Sunday, August 06, 2006

Articles Of Interest

How To Change Your Main Role As a Network Marketer from Recruiter/Salesperson to Guide/Mentor/Support Person
(c) By George Shears

I've been involved in network marketing for nearly 4 years now. Not only has it provided a way to improve my financial situation, but it has also offered a satisfying way to continue helping people--something that has been highly important to me throughout my previous career. Since I've found building a downline to be very slow and challenging, however, I've been searching ardently and persistently for a better way.

I'm pleased to report that I've now found what I was looking for in the form of a remarkable new system for building ANY network marketing business solely on the internet. It's called a Funded Sponsoring Franchise System. I've just written an article to introduce this exciting new paradigm to other network marketers.

Here it is:

Network Marketing Outside The Box--Funded Sponsoring Franchises
(c) By George Shears
August 6, 2006

Network marketing is now over 50 years old and accounts for a total of about 100 billion dollars in retail sales annually. There are now approximately 40 million network marketing distributors worldwide, 14 million of which are in the U.S.

Although legitimate network marketing is still often confused with illegal "pyramid schemes," it is, in fact, totally legal in all 50 states and in about 125 countries.

An estimated 50,000 people currently enroll in network marketing companies every week. According to a recent article in Entrepreneur Magazine, literally thousands of people in this industry are realizing annual incomes in excess of $100,000.

As transportation costs continue to escalate and increasing numbers of people are down-sized or outsourced, it is highly likely that this trend will continue to escalate.

Business Startup Magazine recently rated network marketing as one of it's 100 best businesses to get involved in. Similarly, Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author of numerous books on wealth generation, strongly promotes network marketing as the optimal way for average people to achieve financial independence.

Some of the world's highest quality products are available only through various network marketing companies, many of which have enjoyed outstanding growth. Amway, for example,one of the oldest network marketing companies, was recently ranked as number four in a list of the most successful of U.S. Household and Personal Product companies. The top three on this list were: Proctor & Gamble, Colgate-Palmolive, and S.C. Johnson--all household names.

As a means to achieving financial independence, network marketing offers many outstanding advantages and benefits to ordinary people of very modest financial means. The startup costs are generally very low. Moreover--unlike with expensive franchises--there is no expense for buying property, constructing buildings, hiring and firing employees, etc. Most network marketers start on a part-time basis and gradually transition to a full-time basis as their business builds.

Having a home business also has some very attractive tax benefits. It's generally estimated that the average savings in taxes per year by having a home business is around $5,000.

While all of this sounds very positive and attractive, the downside is that--as with all new businesses--a very high percentage of network marketers fail in this type of enterprise. A commonly cited estimate, in fact, is that only around 5% are highly successful.

Although there are many reasons for this high failure rate, one of the most common consists in the challenges entailed in recruiting a team of distributors. After exhausting their "warm market," a large percentage of new network marketers are at a loss for how to continue building their distributional teams. Almost universally, success in this arena entails some form of "selling" to strangers. A large proportion of network marketers lack the skills and/or the motivation to develop success in this area. Quite commonly, they then become discouraged and quit.

With the rapid evolution of e-commerce, however, an entirely new breed of network marketers is rapidly evolving, and a brand new paradigm for building a highly successful network marketing business is now well within reach of an average person. This new, outside-the-box approach, requires absolutely none of the traditional direct person-to-person recruitment tactics that previously have been a basic necessary condition for success in this industry.
Anyone equipped with basic computer skills, internet access, and the willingness to learn how to utilize the rapidly-exploding advertising resources available on the internet to attract customers and business partners can now enjoy a high degree of success over a relatively short period of time.

Although there are already many variations on this new theme, one of the most exciting is called a Funded Sponsoring Franchise System. Since it is basically a "business-in-a-box," it's highly analogous to the hundreds of bricks and mortar franchises that are now available.
In marked contrast, however, to these latter franchises, which require an initial investment from around $60,000 at the low end to around $500,000 at the high end, most of the new paradigm network marketing franchises ential a very low start-up cost or are actually free.

An effective Funded Sponsoring Franchise includes a very specific, detailed, and highly-duplicable business plan for developing a primary network marketing business of your choice. Further, it entails the rapid generation of multiple streams of income through a group of carefully-chosen affiliate programs. The income generated through these programs is then systematically re-invested into additional online advertising to continue promoting one's primary business.
By using this carefully-designed bootstraps approach, a diligent business owner--simply by following the detailed business plan provided and by investing $500 or less--can quickly develop a profitable system and then go on to utilize these profits to build a massive long-term residual income with the company of her/his choice.

Anyone interested in exploring a particularly effective example of this new approach can do so by accessing the website below.


**ONLY LOSERS PAY FOR LEADS** Discover how average people with no marketing backgrounds are getting prospects to pay them....NEVER PAY FOR TRAFFIC AGAIN!!!

Here's an article by my friend and business partner, Monica Willyard. It's the most concise and well-written summary about how to be successful that I've come across. I think you'll like it.

The Six Traits Successful People Share
By Monica Willyard

Have you ever wondered why successful people seem to turn everything they touch into gold while you seem to be stuck with a pocketful of lead? Do you tell yourself that they must have been born with more money, better looks, and a better education than you? Even as you comfort yourself with this line of thought, do you find yourself pushing away the knowledge that people like Ogg Mandino and Zig Ziglar were dirt poor and that Dave Thomas never graduated from high school?

I have spent most of my adult life studying the lives of people who are successful in life and in business because I wanted to be one too. My discoveries parallel those of Napoleon Hill, Robert Allen, and Thomas J. Stanley, 3 men who have also spent many years studying the habits of successful people. Here are six traits that successful people share, traits you can learn and develop for yourself.

1. Successful people are dedicated learners, most of them reading for hours each day. They seem to know intuitively that continuing to learn about the world and other people is part of what lets them be creative and make sound decisions.

2. Successful people have a burning desire to accomplish the thing they are working on. It's more than a passing fancy, more intense than a dream, and is more focused than a goal. It is a melding of logic, emotion, and the spirit. Do you remember when you fell in love for the first time? That intensity is a component of burning desire.

3. Successful people develop highly specialized knowledge. They are experts in their chosen field and have learned every aspect of their field or niche. Though they do read and learn about other subjects, successful people become deeply involved in their chosen field and are rewarded for their expertise.

4. Successful people are disciplined. They use discipline to keep themselves focused, and they count on discipline to get them through hard times when they may be discouraged emotionally. Discipline gives them the self-control to do the things that aren't very much fun but must be done if their project is to succeed. I read somewhere that successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. I like that saying because it doesn't say that successful people necessarily like doing what unsuccessful people aren't willing to do. It just means that they get the thing done and keep moving.

5. Successful people tend to have a decisive nature. They are able to make most decisions fairly quickly and don't second guess themselves once a choice is made. They take full responsibility for their choices, whether the decision was the right one or not.

6. Successful people surround themselves with other successful people and people who have a can-do attitude. This is what people are referring to when they talk about a mastermind group. They network with other people and turn to successful people for encouragement when times are hard. They seem to actively avoid working with people who are habitually negative. They do their brainstorming with a carefully chosen mastermind group, and they don't let negative people steal their dreams.

Look over this list of traits of successful people. How many of them do you see in your life? What can you do to encourage development of these traits in your life? If you don't have one, what could you do to develop a mastermind group of your own?
Monica Willyard provides personal coaching and resources for people who want to leave the rat race to make a living at home. Have you considered doing something to earn extra income or even owning your own business? If so, please have a look at today.

How To Fail In Network Marketing--Confessions of a Recovered Leads Junkie, Part I
(C) George Shears
Sept., 2006


Buying and calling leads is a common way that traditional network marketers use in trying to build their business. Through a personal story, this first article in a two-part series points out how this approach can become addictive and how it commonly contributes to failure in the network marketing industry. Part II will introduce a revolutionary and highly constructive alternative.


If you're one of the elite few who have made it big time in network marketing, this article is not for you. But, if you're among the large silent majority (about 95%) who have struggled valiantly to succeed and are still a wannabe, then you may find this message to be like a bright light shining at the end of a long, dark tunnel.

First of all, in keeping with a long-standing tradition in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and it's myriad offshoots, I want to be completely upfront by telling you, "my name is George and I'm a leadaholic." (That's "lead," not "led.")

Being a retired psychologist and psychotherapist as I am, I often wonder how I could've gotten hooked the way I did. But I figure that if it could happen to me, it can probably happen to most anyone--which, incidentally, I believe it does all too commonly. And, if you've read this far, I wouldn't be surprised if it has happened to you.

My second confession is that I'm also subject to another form of drivenness that sometimes borders on addiction--namely, I get really high on helping other people. It was this very strong motivation, in fact, that gave me the staying power to survive an incredibly rigorous graduate training program in my profession.Interestingly, this very same strong need was a major factor in getting me hooked on leads.

Here's how it happened. Nearly four years ago, a dear friend introduced my wife, Mildred, and me to a unique and remarkable nutritional supplement. Over a 6 month period of adding it to her diet, Mildred experienced a complete and lasting reversal of chronic and very debilitating symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis that she had been subject to for 18 years.

As you can probably understand, we both became passionate about these supplements and--in keeping with my strong drive to help others--I set out to tell the whole world about them.

Unbelievably, however, I discovered to my dismay that hardly anyone wanted to hear about them--even our dearest friends and family members who I deeply believed could benefit from them tremendously.

Getting a cold shoulder from my supposedly "warm market," as I did, I was led to the next developmental stage in what I now recognize to be a very lawful addictive process. As I tell you about it, it may strike a familiar chord for you.

Recognizing as I did that there are literally millions of people suffering from chronic degenerative diseases of all kinds whose very lives could be saved by taking these supplements, I felt a strong ethical responsibility to get the word out to as many of them as possible, in whatever way I could.

This strong drive, coupled with the hope of also improving our financial situation, led me to redouble my efforts in recruiting prospects who would share my passion for these incredible products and who would happily join my distributional team in marketing them to the long-suffering masses.

My already hot fire was fueled immensely by the endless testimonials I heard on weekly conference calls from others who seemingly were having outstanding success in doing exactly what I wanted to do. If it worked so well for them, I reasoned, it HAD to work for someone as strongly motivated as I was.

Since I live in a very remote area of northern Minnesota, however, it became quickly apparent to me that the only way I could realize such success was to utilize the internet and/or the phone to build my business. Given my very rudimentary knowledge of the internet, that door seemed to be closed for me.

So, as you can probably see, I was ideally positioned in navigating these challenging network marketing waters to be easily seduced by the many sirens singing from the rocks and to get hooked on the easy solutions they promised to provide.

Mainly, these took the form of endless leads companies offering a wide array of red hot prospects who were often portrayed as sitting eagerly by their phones just waiting for my call. Many of the terms that were commonly used to describe these prospects seemed quite tantalizing: Phone interviewed leads, 4 question surveyed leads, 8 question surveyed leads, phone verified leads, double opt-in leads, exclusive real time leads, etc.

As with varieties of wine, the implication clearly conveyed by the companies marketing these leads was that their quality was in direct proprotion to their price. As I was to discover, however, (as I have also with wine), the invariable common effect of indulging in them, regardless of price, was to produce an initial rosy glow (of the anticipated positive results), followed by a sobering return to stark, cold reality.

Unlike many of my network marketing colleagues, I was able to overcome the "20 pound phone" effect fairly easily and got so I could spend many hours a day dialing numbers continuously--to the point, literally, of wearing the numerals off the phone buttons.

I developed this process into a fine art and must say I actually came to enjoy it. It was similar for me in some ways to the many enjoyable hours I've often spent fishing earlier in my life-- without catching anything at all. As I became fond of saying, I took each voicemail message, busy signal, wrong number, or flat out "no" as bringing me one step closer to getting that inevitable "yes."

As I engaged in this extremely low reward process, however, I was often reminded of the hapless rats I had observed in a laboratory psychology course many decades earlier. These animals, placed in a so-called Skinner box, were trained to press a lever in order to receive a pellet of food. Then, by gradually increasing the number of lever presses required to get the reward, they could be trained to keep pressing it repeatedly with no reward at all to the point of total exhaustion.

I'm afraid that this is a very telling metaphor for the potential fate of most network marketers who are led down the primrose path of buying and calling endless leads.

It's not that this approach does not bring some small degree of success. It did for me. Over a period of many months, through an extremely high degree of commitment and dedicated persistence, I successfully recruited and enrolled a respectable number of distributors to my team.

But the very tragic bottom line for me--as I believe is true for the vast majority of others using this deeply flawed approach--is that literally NONE of the people I recruited by using it were able or willing to duplicate it. Anyone familiar with the crucial and central importance of duplicatability in all network marketing will recognize that this is, indeed, the Achilles heel of calling leads.

In Part II of this saga, I'll describe the profound epiphany that has led me on a happy path to recovery from this all-too-familiar and self-destructive dead end that I'm now convinced contributes greatly to the failure of huge numbers of aspiring wealth-builders in the network marketing industry.

If you've identified at all with what I've been describing here and are interested in looking at a revolutionary new approach to building ANY network marketing business, without ever having to buy leads again, I invite you to go to my website listed below.

I also invite you to learn more about this by reading Part II of this series.
How To Fail In Network Marketing--Confessions Of A Recovered Leads Junkie, Part II
(c) George Shears, Sept., 2006

In Part I of this two article series, I described my unfortunate addictive journey down the dead end road of buying and calling massive numbers of leads in a zealous effort to achieve success in my network marketing business. In this follow-up article, on a much happier note, I'll share how I finally broke through my denial and discovered a way to kick this exceedingly common and costly addiction.

Just to recap briefly, I'm a retired psychologist and wellness consultant living in the remote north woods of Minnesota. When I retired, I had no more interest in network marketing than in taking up sky-diving or mud-wrestling. But then, happily and unexpectedly, my wife, Mildred, had an amazing recovery from chronic and very debilitating symptoms of MS through taking glyconutritional supplements. This launched me on a passionate new mission to tell the whole world about these fabulous products. As a side benefit, I also hoped to generate some supplementary retirement income by marketing them.

In the traditional network marketing fashion, I started by introducing them to my supposed "warm market" of family and friends. In doing so, my rose-colored glasses got quickly shattered. In spite of my passionate promotion and the strong evidence of their efficacy in helping to restore health to people with many forms of chronic illness, most people in my inner circle reacted as if I were offering them snake oil or rat poison.

Fortified, however, with total confidence in the product I was offering, I then turned to the "cold market" of other health professionals and to the massive numbers of chronically ill people whom I knew could benefit immensely from them. Same results!
The more I tried to share this potentially life-saving information with others, the more I felt like a would-be rescuer trying to throw life preservers to blind people being swept away in a flood.

With the determination of a dedicated mountain climber ascending Mt. Everest, however, I finally turned to "cold calling" hundreds and thousands of "leads" that I purchased from various dealers. As described in the previous article, through this futile, last ditch effort to build a distributional system for these fantastic products, I became a "leads junkie."

Some Transforming Epiphanies

In much the same way that addicts of all kinds commonly break through their denial only after getting into some kind of treatment, this is also how I came to recognize the utter futility of trying to build my business by calling leads.

The "treatment" in my case was to have the great good fortune (thanks to my sponsor) of being introduced to a revolutionary new approach to network marketing that is distinctly "outside the box" in many ways.
As I gradually came to understand this novel new business-building approach, it was as if a set of blinders had been removed that previously had prevented me from seeing what now suddenly became quite obvious.

The first big insight was very simple but equally profound--namely, that absolutely NONE of the sizable number of distributors I recruited through the painfully slow and inefficient process of calling leads had been able or willing to duplicate my actions. As I see it now, that can probably be credited to their basic sanity.

But, given that the sine qua non of all network marketing is duplication, this offers compelling evidence--at least for me--that trying to build a business through calling leads is just simply another job--and a very difficult, unrewarding one at that.

Secondly, I began to see clearly how EXTREMELY unqualified these leads actually are as prospective business partners. This is in decided contrast to how they are often portrayed by the vendors who sell them. First of all, the vast majority of them are flat broke and, therefore, do not have the necessary financial resources even to get started in a business, much less to be able to build it successfully. Amazingly, a large proportion of them are actually offended by learning that a start-up cost is even involved.

Moreover, very few of them have any realistic understanding of the high level of commitment, persistence, investment of time, money, and energy, and the requisite skill development that are necessary to be successful in ANY kind of business, including network marketing. I've been endlessly astounded, for example, by the numbers of these folks who have told me, unflinchingly, that they wanted to bring in $10,000 a month or more, without any initial investment and by working 10-15 hours per week!

Through these epiphanies, then, I've come to realize that buying and calling leads is a profoundly inefficient and extremely costly way of trying to recruit business partners in network marketing. In my experience, this is true regardless of the cost of the leads and no matter how "fresh" and/or "exclusive" they are said to be.

My Life In Recovery

Suppose that you were offered a completely free, detailed plan, along with all of the necessary tools, to build a huge billboard next to the largest freeway in the world. Suppose, further, that with this billboard you could advertise your network marketing business and invite all interested prospects to contact you.

On top of that, imagine that your first personal contact with these prospects would occur AFTER they had joined your business building system.

And then consider that--whether or not they ultimately decided to join your primary business team--many of them would help generate the necessary funding for you to continue your advertising campaign.

Finally, understand that not only would you have a very attractive and highly duplicatable business-building system to offer to new opportunity seekers; but, of at least equal importance, it would have great appeal to other network marketers who've not been successful in using the traditional approach.
On top of that, it would be international in scope.

What I've just invited you to imagine aptly summarizes SOME of the most important advantages of the new approach that I've now adopted as an alternative to wasting my dollars and time in buying and calling leads. What an incredibly refreshing alternative it is! For me, it's like cruising down a brand new freeway in a luxury car after many months of trying to drive an oxcart through a swamp.

I now devote all of my business-building energies to two main activities: 1) Systematically increasing the visibility of my business building website on the internet in order to attract a maximal amount of traffic to it; and 2) guiding, supporting, and mentoring the prospects who are attracted and who choose to join me in using this system to build the network marketing business of their choice.

Like many recovering addicts, I now have an additional new mission--namely, to help other network marketers avoid getting hooked on leads as I did or--if they've already fallen into this trap--to join me on a wonderful road to recovery.

If you'd like to get a free, highly detailed map of this new super-highway to success, I invite you to visit my website below.
The Funded Sponsoring Franchise System--A Revolutionary New Approach to Network Marketing
(c) By George Shears - October, 2006

A revolutionary new approach is now available in network marketing. It provides a way to build ANY network marketing business entirely online and can be duplicated 100% by anyone who uses it. Not only does it eliminate all of the major causes for failure in traditional network marketing, but it has additional advantages besides.

First of all, it turns traditional network marketing upside down by eliminating ALL personal promotion, recruiting and selling. This saves a huge amount of wasted time and money that network marketers typically spend in working with vast numbers of highly unqualified prospects.

Network marketers using this system have personal contact with prospects only AFTER they have already enrolled into their business building system. This means that these prospects have already demonstrated that they are serious. This shifts the primary role of the business builder from personal recruiting, promoting, and selling to providing guidance, support, and mentoring. This is a far more satisfying role for the vast majority of network marketers.

Secondly, the prospects that enroll in the system generate income for the network marketer by enrolling in the highly attractive affiliate programs that it incorporates. All of these programs are designed to become quickly profitable. They provide quick financial benefits both to the enrollee and to the network marketer operating the system, whether or not the enrollee decides to join the marketer's primary business opportunity.

The system is specifically designed, however, to guide business opportunity seekers into recognizing the key importance of a primary network marketing business for building long-term residual income. It also guides them into considering the particular primary business of the person whose system they've enrolled in. Once the system has provided comprehensive education about network marketing in general and the importance of a carefully-chosen primary network marketing business in particular, many of them will naturally opt in to the primary business of their sponsor.

So, once again, the business-builder who is utilizing this system waits for these prospects to approach him/her, instead of trying to recruit them actively.

But it gets still better. Not only is this Funded Sponsoring system very attractive to new business opportunity seekers, it has equal or greater appeal to the vast numbers of other network marketers who are struggling and/or failing using the traditional approach.
Further, since it is international in scope, its potential market is absolutely huge.
If you'd like to learn more about this exciting and highly refreshing new way to build a network marketing business, I invite you to go to my website shown below.

Hyperlinks to Articles by George Shears on

The Online Network Marketing Franchise--An Exciting New MLM Hybrid

Choosing An MLM Network Marketing Company As A Home Business--What To Watch Out For

Network Marketing Residual Income--How To Predict When You'll Achieve Financial Freedom

The Funded Sponsoring Franchise System--A Revolutionary New Approach To Network Marketing

Choosing A First Class Network Marketing Company--Ten Key Guidelines

How To Fail In Network Marketing--Confessions of a Recovered Leads Junkie, Part I

How To Fail In Network Marketing--Confessions of a Recovered Leads Junkie, Part II

Network Marketing For Work At Home Moms and Pops--Its Advantages and Pitfalls, Part II

Network Marketing For Work At Home Moms and Pops--An Introductory Primer, Part I

Key To Home Business Success--Getting On The Right Track With The Right Network Marketing Company

Considering A Home Business, Part I--Is Your Job An Asset Or A Liability?

Network Marketing--Its Three Deadly Sins and How To Find Salvation From Them

Network Marketing and Mindfulness Training--Four Ways It Can Increase Your Success

Network Marketing--It's Major Pitfalls And A New Effective Way To Avoid Them
Network Marketing--11 Ways To Be An Effective Leader

Network Marketing--A Powerful Way To Increase Your Success Through Mindfulness Training

Network Marketing Outside The Box--Funded Sponsoring Franchises


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